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Merluza con tomate Apis

Tacos de merluza con tomate frito ecológico Apis

April 7th, 2018 Posted by Recipes 0 comments on “Tacos de merluza con tomate frito ecológico Apis”

50 minutos        Dificultad       Porciones 4

Tacos de merluza con nuestro tomate frito APIS

Merluza con tomate Apis


Cortamos el lomo de merluza en tacos y salamos.

A continuación cortamos la cebolla en juliana. Cubrimos el fondo de una sartén con aceite de oliva y cuando esté caliente añadimos la cebolla. Dejamos rehogar hasta que esté transparente.

Añadimos nuestro bote de tomate ecológico Apis, salamos al gusto y agregamos un poco de azúcar.

Dejamos sofreír durante unos 10 minutos.

Agregamos las dos hojas de laurel, los tacos de merluza y pimienta. Dejamos rehogar unos minutos.

Por ultimo vertemos el vaso de vino y dejaremos a fuego medio, hasta que la salsa de tomate haya reducido.

Servimos y listo.


4 lomos de merluza de tamaño medio

1 bote de tomate frito ecológico Apis

1 cebolla

Aceite de oliva virgen extra

2 hojas de laurel

½ vaso de vino blanco

Una cucharadita de azúcar




Pasta Fetuccini con camarones y salsa de tomate Apis

April 5th, 2018 Posted by Recipes 0 comments on “Pasta Fetuccini con camarones y salsa de tomate Apis”

40 minutos        Dificultad       Porciones 4

Fetuccini con camarones y nuestra salsa de tomate natural APIS


En una sartén salteamos los camarones y el ajo en aceite caliente. A continuación condimentamos con sal y pimienta al gusto.

Agregamos tomate frito Apis, vino blanco y cocinamos durante unos minutos.

Cocemos la pasta según el tiempo necesario y añadimos sal y aceite. Escurrimos y añadimos la mantequilla.

Ya solo nos queda añadir la pasta a la sartén y mezclar.

Servimos y añadimos queso parmesano.


300gr de fetuccini

500gr de camarones

2 dientes de ajo (picados)

¼ tz  vino blanco

Tomate frito Apis (al gusto)

1 cda Mantequilla

Aceite de oliva virgen extra


Baked Apples with Turkey Spread

March 29th, 2017 Posted by Recipes 0 comments on “Baked Apples with Turkey Spread”

20 minutes        Difficulty       Portions 4

Baked Apple Snacks wih Turkey Spread


Place the baking paper on the sheet, pour a drop of olive oil and spread it with the help of a brush or kitchen paper.

Wash and slice the apples, and then place them on the sheet.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees for 5 minutes.

Place the sheet and bake in the middle of the oven to 175 degrees for approx. 10-15 minutes. Take care that they do not burn.

Let them stand for at least 10 minutes.

They are easier to handle when cold.

Coat half of slices with a layer of turkey spread and top with the remaining slices.

An easy and original way to eat turkey and fruit that adults will love as much as their kids.

A delicious and healthy snack.


1 jar of APIS’ SUAVITTAS turkey spread
2-3 yellow apples
Olive oil
Cinnamon to taste

Receta delight de Pavo con tomate triturado Apis

Turkey and Tomato Delight

March 22nd, 2017 Posted by Recipes 0 comments on “Turkey and Tomato Delight”

20 minutes        Dificultty       Portions 2

Turkey and Tomato Delight: A healthy, tasteful dish

Receta delight de Pavo con tomate triturado Apis


First, pour a drop of oil onto the frying pan and, when heated, add the Apis natural tomato, salt and sugar. Sugar lessens the acidity of tomato sauce. Pour olive oil onto another frying pan to poach the finely-chopped onion. In the meantime, dice the Apis Delight lean turkey. Then, brown the turkey in the frying pan and stir it with the onion. Finally, toss it with the previously prepared tomato sauce. Want to add a special touch to the dish? Sprinkle a bit of oregano, thyme and cayenne to taste.


Apis natural tomato Apis Delight lean turkey Oil Onion Salt Sugar

Receta de Huevos rellenos con crema de Apis

Stuffed Eggs with Ham Spread

March 16th, 2017 Posted by Recipes 0 comments on “Stuffed Eggs with Ham Spread”

20 minutes        Dificultty       Portions


Delicious and original stuffed eggs with our ham spread

Receta Huevos rellenos con crema de york Apis


Thickly slice the bread (this is the base of the dish), spread the Apis ham spread on the slices and scoop them out with a spoon.

Then, breaks the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. Place the yolk on the slice topped with ham spread. Beat the egg whites until stiff and pour them to cover the bread slices.
Heat some oil in the pan and fry the slices.

In the meantime, heat up the Apis tomato sauté, which will be served with our stuffed eggs.


APIS ham spread
APIS tomato sauté

Receta con paté intenso Apis

Beef Wellington with Strong-flavoured Pâté

March 16th, 2017 Posted by Recipes 0 comments on “Beef Wellington with Strong-flavoured Pâté”

40 minutes        Difficulty       Portions 4

Beef Wellington: A fashionable beef fillet wrapped in puff pastry

Receta de solomillo wellington con paté intenso Apis


To begin with, clean the beef and chop the vegetables.

Pour a drop of oil onto the frying pan and, when heated, add the beef. Season the meet to taste and sear it until nicely browned all over. Once all the medallions are seared, reserve them.

Pour olive oil onto another frying pan to poach the onion and garlic over medium heat. Add mushrooms and keep sautéing slowly until they are soft and tender.

Reserve them.

Add the APIS strong-flavoured pâté to the finely-chopped mixture of mushrooms, onions and garlic, and blend it in as well.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees for 5 minutes.

Place the rectangular puff pastry on a baking paper and put it on the tray. Spread a layer of the blend of mushrooms, onions, garlic, pâté and mustard (reserve the remaining mixture).

It is better to mix the ingredients when cold for not tenderizing the puff pastry before being baked. Slather the puff pastry with a thin layer of Dijon mustard.

Its size must be proportional to the length and width of the beef. Place the meat on the puff pastry.

Spread a layer of the reserved mixture on the top of the beef.

Carefully lift and drape the larger piece of pastry over the fillet, pressing well into the sides. Beat the egg and brush the pastry dough with egg yolk.

Place the tray in the centre of the oven and roast at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

Let it stand for at least 10 minutes.


1 can of APIS strong-flavoured pâté · 80g
1 pork tenderloin (or beef) · 1 kg
400g of fresh mushrooms
2-4 small onions
2 garlic cloves
1 egg
1 rectangular puff pastry
Dijon mustard
Olive oil
Black pepper and salt (to taste)
Turkey and Tomato Delight

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