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Turkey and Tomato Delight

22 de March de 2017 | 12:02 pm

20 minutes        Dificultty       Portions 2

Turkey and Tomato Delight: A healthy, tasteful dish

Receta delight de Pavo con tomate triturado Apis


First, pour a drop of oil onto the frying pan and, when heated, add the Apis natural tomato, salt and sugar. Sugar lessens the acidity of tomato sauce. Pour olive oil onto another frying pan to poach the finely-chopped onion. In the meantime, dice the Apis Delight lean turkey. Then, brown the turkey in the frying pan and stir it with the onion. Finally, toss it with the previously prepared tomato sauce. Want to add a special touch to the dish? Sprinkle a bit of oregano, thyme and cayenne to taste.


Apis natural tomato Apis Delight lean turkey Oil Onion Salt Sugar

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